When announcing the reimposition of stage 3 restrictions on metropolitan Melbourne, Victorian premier Daniel Andrews declared that the situation was "a matter of life or death." What he didn't mention, however, was that this is also a dangerous reality for small businesses - and those behind them.
The six weeks of stay-at-home orders mean that, for the five million residents of Melbourne, they will reduce any economic contact with most small and medium-scale businesses. For these businesses, even with the government assistance currently available, this six-week time period will bear devastating effects on the recovery of both the Victorian, and national economies.
With the official unemployment rate standing at the highest since the recession of the 1990's, and no sign of the financial destruction our local businesses slowing, here are five things you can do to help:
1. Buy a $10 or $20 gift cards for your friends, and encourage them to do so for someone else. This allows longevity in a gift and also assists businesses survive during this time of desperate need.
2. Order takeout. Having been deemed completely safe by experts, this is one of the best ways to support restaurants and cafes right now, as many of them struggle to keep their doors open during this time. Provided that you wash your hands thoroughly before and after consumption, this is a tasty way to help out your local businesses.
3. Buy kits and packs of supplies from local businesses! Although this is widely unknown, many local businesses are selling the ingredients or products they would use in their goods separately to allow you to use them at home! You can stop by your local cafe for coffee beans or long-lasting milk, or call your local salon to see whether they are selling any custom kits to do a long-overdue hair treatment yourself!
4. Social media shoutouts and personal testimonies on platforms such as Yelp and Google are completely free and a great way to help show your local business community that you are cheering them on, and helping attract new customers for when the lockdown period has concluded!
5. Show your patience and understanding for these businesses. We are all adjusting to this 'new normal.' The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted nearly everything for businesses, especially in supply chains, vendor reliability and employee productivity. Praise your local community, and assist the recovery of the Victorian and Australian economies.
Even though, this advice is mainly targeted towards Australian citizens, similar approaches can be used worldwide! depending on your country's national health advice. Stay safe!